ASPIRE Hall of Fame

These children have done an INCREDIBLE job growing their reading brains and deserve recognition for their hard work and grit!

Keep it up all stars! 🚀


Jude, mom and dad are very proud of how much you learned this week. You did an amazing job writing the letter "R" and "N". Keep up the great work.
Love, Mom (Renee)


Great job, Owen! You keep working really hard and it really shows!

Love, Mom (Teresa)


Aberdeen worked so hard on the Growing Readers course for 3 year olds and completed it today while celebrating with an ice cream cone! She is excited and motivated to learn and is ready to begin the next course.
Love, Mom (Brooke)


Taeya can now pull words apart into individual sounds and use her sound brain to spell words! She is proud of herself for spelling 5-letter words like TRASH. Although she still struggles with some of her digraphs, I hope with practice, she will recognize them as well as she does her individual letter sounds!

Love, Mom (Amanda)


Great job this week Jude. I am proud of you for working hard to understand the letters "U" & "Y". I know your hard work will pay off and that you will be reading Spider-man comics in no time.

Love, Mom (Renee)


Zane, I am so proud of your reading! It’s amazing the skills you have in so many languages and this is making your brain strong and so full of vocabulary. I’m impressed with your hard work. Never stop learning ❤️

Love, Mom (Tiffany)


Francis I’m so proud of how hard you worked. Everyday you do reading and it’s paying off!
Love, Mom (Andrea)


Ean worked hard for the -igh and now he's a professional (bonus word)!
Love, Mom (Hannah)


Way to go Emery! I can tell your reading brain is growing!
Love, Mom (Ashley)


I am so so proud of how hard you have been working on the concepts for this lesson! Listening to you read and seeing you add new skills to your toolbox brings me so much joy. Keep up the hard work!

Love, Mom (Kristin)


We're so proud of you, Owen! You worked really hard and completed Constructing Readers. We can't wait to see all that you learn next!Love, Mom (Teresa)


I'm so proud of how hard you've worked and can't wait to see you learn more and more!

Love, Mom (Erin)


I am so proud of you for always doing your best, working hard, and never giving up! Keep up the awesome work, bud! Mom and Dad love you so so much!!

Love, Mom (Kristy)


Lucas you are doing a great job each week working on your reading brain. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! Keep up the good work so you can read your Pokémon book to us!

Love, Mom (Cassie)


I am so proud of you, Omar. Today he started his reading lesson all by himself. I know he can do anything when he believes in himself!

Love, Mom (Meggan)


He began to blend 4 letters word s by himself and he catch the idea to sound each letter and blend now. The best part is he said he loves reading and he love Miss Buddy!

Love, Mom (Lana)


Keep up the good work, Nora! You are amazing!

Love, Mom (Kelli)


Margot - I am so incredibly proud of all of your hard work! You really mastered digraphs this week because you worked so hard and didn't give up. Your reading brain is really growing and glowing.

Love, Mom (Kristin)

Max, I am proud of you for persevering and not giving up when you did not feel like doing these lessons. In the end, you always had a smile on your face so I know you are having fun while learning. I love you, buddy.

Love, Mom (Angie)



Mom and Dad are so proud of you!
Love, Mom (Jennifer)


Congratulations, Owen! We're really proud of you for finishing another "Miss Buddy" lesson! Keep up the great work!

Love, Mom (Teresa)


I am so proud of your energy and for staying excited about our learning time together. I love the way you now want to read so many books and ask for extra time before bed. Our video time is so much fun alongside silly Ms. Buddy and I can’t wait for us to do more!!!

Love, Mom (Zuleika)


Max, I am so proud of you! You are working so hard at listening to sounds in words and sustaining your attention to work through each lesson. I am one proud momma!

Love, Mom (Angie)


I'm so proud of how much you enjoy learning new skills!

Love, Mom (Erin)


Sophie, I am so proud of the wonderfully smart girl you have become. Your love of learning and reading makes me so happy, and I will always treasure the nights you read to your brother and sister. Keep being awesome!

Love, Mom (Kelly)


Wrigley, you are such an amazing, smart girl. I love watching you grow and discover the world around you. I cannot wait to hear you read Snuggle Puppy to me!

Love, Mom (Kelly)


You are practicing every day with an amazing positive attitude and you will soon become an independent reader. Go Maya! I am so proud of you.

Love, Mom (Zsofia)


I'm so proud of the great job you did spelling on the dictation activity! Great Work!

Love, Mom (Suzan)


I’m so excited for this new reading journey baby girl! You’re doing great and I can’t wait to see how much bigger your learning brain is going to get!

Love, Mom (Jazmin)


I am so proud of your hard work and focus!

Love, Mom (Megan)


I’m so proud of her for not giving up and trying her hardest

Love, Mom (Claudia)


She is beginning to feel confident in R-blends at the beginning of words. She has struggled with her confidence and is beginning to feel excited about reading (especially with Ms. Buddy). We stared with a fixed mindset but realized that she is starting to change into a growth mindset. So proud of her growth in reading, writing and confidence.

Love, Mom (Robin)


I am so proud of all the hard work you are putting into learning to read!
Love, Mom (Maryann)


We're so proud of you, Owen. You always try your best and work really hard!

Love, Mom (Teresa)


Margot, I am so impressed with how you have mastered the floss rule and r blends this week. I can see your confidence in reading growing with all of your hard work and I am so proud of you!

Love, Mom (Kristin)

If you are a ASPIRE family and you want to add your child to the Hall of Fame, email us and we'll send you the link!